"South Africa has one of the worlds worst education systems," the London-based publication reported on its online platform on Friday.
Read the Full article at News24.com
Our ETE children are placed in the most highly integrated schools in South Africa with world class teaching and learning offering excellent programmes and results.
For Sun Valley Primary their Cultural Programme includes Music, Cultural Expression, Choir and Theatre and they have an incredible Sports curriculum for Summer and Winter with students taking part in at least one of these. This competitive Sporting school also does the 1km Walk-it Circuit every morning for pupils which enhances fitness, builds muscle and co-ordination and assists learning. Read all about the excellent Sun Valley Primary School and what they offer, the ETE children are indeed blessed.
We have 7 children in Grade 8 at Fish Hoek High School, and their mission is "To inspire pupils to reach their potential, to make a difference." They too have an excellent Academic and Cultural curriculum and the ETE children will enjoy the privilege of an above average education up to Matric. We currently have the Grade 8's in an after school Master Maths programme to improve their marks, and thank all benefactors for helping make this possible.