articles > Tamia Lamb - Prefect |
Tamia Lamb - Prefect
This article relates to Tamia Lamb
This article relates to Sun Valley Primary School
Tamia Lamb is a wonderful burst of sunshine , we wish to congratulate her on being chosen as a prefect (leadership role) at Sun Valley Primary School.
Tamia loves her Netball and Athletics as well as her Academics, she set herself a goal to become a prefect and reached her goal !
The definition of a prefect is:
Prefects are expected to establish and maintain the highest standards of behavior, attitude and appearance at all times and provide a positive role model for other pupils. They are appointed each year to undertake various roles and responsibilities around the School.
A Congratulations to all 3 our students who passed their matric exams! ???????????? ... |
The Galley played host to our eagerly anticipated annual Christmas lunch—an event that has become a cherished highlight for both past and present students. ... |
As we bid farewell to the academic year, we are thrilled to share the remarkable achievements of our students at the recent Awards Ceremony held on December 1'st. ... |
The results are in ! ... |
E-T-E held its annual Christmas lunch Friday 03 Dec. ... |