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Keagan Dori 9 651.79 ZAR
Concor Roads & Earthworks - Golf 9 000.00 ZAR
Dr. Wu Ming-Che 8 500.00 ZAR
CPR - Around About Cars 8 100.00 ZAR
Galley Music Evening 7 660.00 ZAR
Clovelly Ladies Donation 7 500.00 ZAR
Burkhard Und Andrea Pommereni 7 400.00 ZAR
André Reich and Beate Böhmerle 7 000.00 ZAR
Karl Leiser of Germany 6 250.00 ZAR
Rotary Cape of Good Hope 6 060.00 ZAR
Clare Duggan of Stone City Films 6 000.00 ZAR
RJ Parsons 6 000.00 ZAR
N B Bader of Germany 5 532.15 ZAR
Huber Walter, Franz 5 452.00 ZAR
Noordhoek Farm Village 5 000.00 ZAR
Jutta and Alfred Diem 5 000.00 ZAR
Clovelly Ladies Donation 5 000.00 ZAR
Clovelly Country Club 5 000.00 ZAR
Incompass Insurance Consultants cc 4 844.42 ZAR
VM CC 4 844.00 ZAR
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